    (Last updated : 2024-11-21 14:16:14)
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Center for Language Education
   Position   Lecturer
■ Education
1. 〔Master Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Language and Culture, Osaka University, Completed
2. School of Foreign Studies, Osaka University, Graduated
■ Message
Based on my experience, the greatest benefit of learning Indonesian for me is that it allows me to meet and connect with a far wider range of people with diverse perspectives and backgrounds than ever before. I sincerely hope that all of you, too, will gain a truly global perspective by learning a new language and actively engaging with various people and cultures.
■ Current specialized field
Linguistics (Key Word:Indonesian Linguistics, Conversation Analysis) 
■ Books and theses
1. 2023 Article Initiation and Development of the Storytelling in Indonesian Conversation Bahasa dan Budaya: Jurnal Himpunan Peneliti Indonesia Seluruh Jepang 29,pp.63-82 (Single) 
2. 2020 Article Pragmatic function of gitu in Indonesian conversation Bahasa dan Budaya: Jurnal Himpunan Peneliti Indonesia Seluruh Jepang 26,pp.75-90 (Single) 
■ Academic or professional association memberships
1. Japanese Association for Indonesian Studies
2. The Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences
■ Conference presentations
1. 2024/12/01 Developing interactive skills in Indonesian classes through video-based reflection (The 22nd Asia Pacific Conference)
2. 2022/11/05 Structural analysis of storytelling in Indonesian conversation: The recipient’s method for facilitating progress of telling (53rd Meeting of Japanese Association of Indonesian Studies)
3. 2021/11/20 A study on awareness of the use of language varieties among Jakartan youth (52nd Meeting of Japanese Association of Indonesian Studies)
4. 2021/03/15 Ya-prefaced responses to WH question in Indonesian conversation (45th Meeting of Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Society)
5. 2020/03/07 Pragmatic function of demonstrative gitu in Indonesian conversation: ‘Persuading’ and ‘softening’ function based on its usage as a quotative marker (44th Meeting of Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Society)
Display all(8)
■ Educational ability
● Made textbook and teaching material
1. 2023/10 Malay/Indonesian II Course Pack
● Matter that should be mentioned specially in others educational activity
1. 2023/07/05 Special Lecture on AP Language Learning and Career Paths
■ E-Mail address