    (Last updated : 2024-12-22 12:30:57)
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies
   Position   Professor
■ Education
1. 1996 International Relations, Research School of Asia Pacific Studies, Australian National University, Completed
■ Academic and professional experience
1. 1998/04~2001/03 Interantional Centre for the Study of East Asian Development Research Associate Professor
2. 1997/02~1998/03 Interantional Centre for the Study of East Asian Development Research Assistant Professor
■ Message
Message to undergraduate students: APU’s most unique feature is its multicultural environment. However, the extent to which this environment can be put to good use depends on the positive attitude of our students. I encourage you to be curious, ambitious, and develop your ability to adapt to different cultures, a vital skill in a globalised world. Message to graduate school students: With students of various backgrounds from all over the world, the APU Graduate School provides a truly international environment. Please develop your networks and your capacity to adapt to our multicultural environment.
■ Current specialized field
International Relations, International Political Economy, Regional Studies (East Asia) 
■ Books and theses
1. 2021/01 Book Japan’s Asian Diplomacy: Power Transition, Domestic Politics, and Diffusion of Ideas   (Single) 
2. 2014/05 Book Comparing Institution-Building in East Asia: Power Politics, Governance, and Critical Junctures   (Single) 
3. 2008/07 Book The Political Economy of Regionalism in East Asia: Integrative Explanation for Dynamics and Challenges   (Single) 
4. 2003/11 Book Japan and East Asia in Transition: Trade Policy, Crisis and Evolution, and Regionalism   (Single) 
5. 2000/06 Book Internationalization, Corporate Preferences and Commercial Policy in Japan   (Single) 
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■ Academic or professional association memberships
1. Japan Association of International Relations
2. Japan Association for Asian Political and Economic Studies
■ Conference presentations
1. 2019/03/28 China-Japan and India-Japan Relations in the Indo-Pacific Era (60th International Studies Association Convention)
2. 2018/07/22 Japan’s Multilateral Diplomacy toward Asia: Significant Shifts from Hatoyama to Abe (25th IPSA World Congress of Political Science)
3. 2017/05/07 Japan’s Multilateral Diplomacy toward Asia: The Change from Hatoyama to Abe (International Workshop, ‘Contested Multilateralism 2.0 and Asia-Pacific Security’)
4. 2016/09/08 China, Japan, and the Geopolitics of Infrastructure Development (Joint East Asian Studies Conference 2016)
5. 2016/03/10 Developing a Trade Architecture Jointly: U.S.-Japan Negotiations on the TPP (International Conference, ‘Tracing the Contours of a Rapidly Changing East Asia: Issues and Perspectives')
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■ Research topic, funded research and KAKENHI
1.   Regional Cooperation in East Asia  (Key Word : regionalism,regional integration,)
2.   Japan's external economic policy  (Key Word : trade policy,industrial policy,)