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2024/06/09 |
Research on Inclusive Leadership in Multicultural Collaborative Education: Insights from Educational Practices on a Multinational Campus (46th Japan Association for College and University Education Annual Conference, Kansai University of International Studies)
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2023/07/08 |
Mission agility and resilience of Christian social enterprises in Cambodia during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023 ARNOVA (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action) Asia Conference (Virtual; hosted by Tohoku Univ. and Kwansei Gakuin Univ.))
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2023/03/24 |
Pedagogical practices for activating multicultural groupwork in an English-medium major subject classroom (Center for Inclusive Leadership Seminar, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
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2022/12/03 |
Development of Various Hybrid Organizational Forms of Christian Social Enterprises in Cambodia (20th Asia Pacific (AP) Conference, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
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2021/08/13 |
Figuring out from below or figuring out from above? Comparison of non-confrontational advocacy of service-providing civil society organizations in urban India and rural Cambodia (Civil Society and Democratization: Insights from Service-Providing Nonprofit Organizations, Author Workshop for "Public Administration and Development" special issue, Wayne State University/University of North Carolina at Greensboro/George Mason University)
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2021/06/07 |
Equalizing and Decolonizing the Relationship between Domestic and International Students in Multicultural Group Work in International Development Course (Innovative Practices and Pedagogies for Teaching Undergraduate International Development Studies Workshop, Tobias Center for Innovation in International Development, Indiana University)
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2020/06/05 |
Two tales of elucidating the social through critical realist ethnography: Critical realist grounded theory and extended case method compared (Published Proceedings of Adult Education in Global Times: An International Research Conference (AEGT2020), University of British Columbia)
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2018/09/22 |
Potential of critical realist institutional logics for analyzing organizational tensions experienced by Christian social enterprises: Cambodian cases (Published Proceedings of ICSEA (International Conference on Social Enterprise Asia) 5th Conference, Ritsumeikan University)
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2018/07/13 |
What is the legitimate hybridity for Christian social enterprises in Cambodia?: Typologyzing efforts (13th International Conference of ISTR (International Society for Third Sector Research), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
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2017/11/16 |
Critical realist institutional logics perspective for typologizing organizational tensions experienced by Christian social enterprises in Cambodia (Proceedings of ARNOVA's (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action) 46th Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, US)
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2016/11/05 |
Towards a Typology of Organizational Tension Experienced by Christian Social Enterprises in Cambodia (14th AP Conference, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
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2016/10/23 |
Rights-based Transformative Learning in the Intersection of Various Forces in Rural Cambodia (Published Proceedings of XII International Transformative Learning Conference, Pacific Lutheran University, US)
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2015/11/08 |
Capacity Building Strategies for Local and Collective Ownership of Social Enterprises in Cambodia (13th AP Conference,Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
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2015/09/21 |
Research journey into multi-layered structures in the context of an NGO’s non-formal rights education in Cambodia (Published Proceedings of Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference 2015, New College, University of Oxford)
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2015/08/27 |
Capacity Building Towards Local and Collective Ownership of Social Enterprises in Cambodia: Potential and Limitations (Published Proceedings of 9th ISTR Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Nihon University)
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2015/07/02 |
Dancing with Local Realities: Potential, Limitations and Pitfalls of Fostering Local and Collective Ownership of Social Enterprises in Cambodia (5th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise, Helsinki)
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2015/02/21 |
‘Business and Social’ or ‘Business or Social’?: Capacity Development towards Local and Collective Ownership of Social Enterprises in Cambodia (Faculty meeting, Faculty of Development Studies, Royal University of Phnom Penh)
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2014/12/04 |
NGO’s Rights-based Approach to Development in the Cambodian Context (Masters seminar, Faculty of Development Studies, Royal University of Phnom Penh)
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2014/11/01 |
Working with and between Citizens and a Neo-patrimonial Government: How Has an NGO’s Contextualised Rights-based Approach Influenced Cambodians’ Agency in Fulfilling their Rights to Development? (Proceedings of Development Studies Association Annual Conference, Institute of Education, University College London)
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2012/03/02 |
NGOs and Development: Review and Rights-based Approach (Development NGOs treading a Thin Line between the Two Elephants of Donors and Government) (Study Group on Governance of Japan Society for International Development)
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2012/07/26 |
Working It Out on the Ground: How Can Contextualized Rights-based Development by an NGO Enhance Cambodian Citizens' Agency towards Fulfilling Their Rights to Development? (Published Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on International Relations and Development (ICIRD), Chiang Mai, Thailand)
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2011/11/27 |
Figuring out on the ground: How do contextualized rights-based approaches by NGOs enhance Cambodian citizens' agency toward fulfilling their rights to development? (Published Proceedings of International Association for Asia Pacific Studies (IAAPS) Annual Conference, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
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2011/08/10 |
Power Issues in Development Facilitation: How Should Facilitators Deal with the Unavoidable Hurdle of Invisible Power? (Proceedings of Roundtable Discussion for Rural Development: Focusing on Strategic Approach and Importance of Facilitation, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
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2011/07/06 |
Adult Education Interventions by Rights-based Development NGOs in Cambodia: Transformative Learning towards Agency (Roundtable) (Published Proceedings of Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA) 41th Annual Conference, Lancaster University)
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2010/11/21 |
Life Stories of NGO Leadership Change in Cambodia: From the Perspective of Transformative Learning (Published Proceedings of International Association for Asia Pacific Studies (IAAPS) Annual Conference, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
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2010/07/08 |
Life Stories of NGO Leadership Change in Cambodia: From the Perspective of Transformative Learning (Roundtable) (Published Proceedings of Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA) 40th Annual Conference, The University of Warwick)
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2008/12 |
Visioning the Future of Rural Communities: How were Appreciative Inquiry and Discontinuous Leap Approaches Applied in Japan’s Progressive Rural Revitalization Cases? (Rural Development: Situations and Strategies from Asia and Beyond, 2008 AP Conference: Asia Pacific and the Emerging World System, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
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2008/09 |
Developing Community Leaders in Cambodia: From the Perspective of Values Transformation (Rural Development and Community Capacity: Local Action in a Global World, Asia Association for Global Studies Forum, Kwansei Gakuin University)
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2008/05 |
Developing Christian Relief and Development NGOs' Cambodian Staff Toward Becoming Servant Leaders (Published Proceedings of 2008 Servant Leadership Research Roundtable, 2008 Annual Roundtables of Contemporary Research & Practice, Regent University)
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2007/12 |
Empowerment Concepts in Community Development (in Japanese) (Mie University's Society for Sociology)
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