    (Last updated : 2024-06-07 10:52:15)
  TAKEKAWA Shunichi
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies
   Position   Professor
■ Education
1. 2001/08~2008/05 〔Doctorial Course〕 Comparative Politics, Department of Political Science, Graduate School University of Hawaii, Completed
2. 1999/08~2001/05 〔Master Course〕 Comparative Politics, Department of Political Science, Graduate School Wichita State University, Completed
■ Academic and professional experience
1. 2018/04~2021/03 the College of Asia Pacific Studies Associate Dean
2. 1988/04~1997/01 Mainichi Shimbun (Japan) Staff Editor and Reporter
■ Message
Although the media seems as though it has become just another part of our daily lives, let’s reexamine the role the media plays in politics and society, and consider the issues that are raised as a result. Together let’s develop your media literacy.
■ Current specialized field
Politics, Media & Journalism Studies (Key Word:Media and politics, Newspaper (national, local, community papers), News framing analysis, Journalism, Japanese Politics, Nationalism, Popular Culture) 
■ Books and theses
1. 2016/09 Book Japan after 3/11: Global Perspectives on the Earthquake, Tsunami, and Fukushima Meltdown edited by Pradyumna P. Karan et al.  pp.251-268 (Chapter 12) (Collaboration) 
2. 2016/06 Other Book Review of The Comfort Women: Sexual Violence and Postcolonial Memory in Korea and Japan, by C. Sarah Soh   (Single) 
3. 2015/10 Book Routledge Handbook of Memory and Reconciliation in East Asia, edited by Kim Mikyoung  pp.79-94 (Chapter 5) (Single) 
4. 2014/12 Book Japanese Journalism and the Japanese Newspaper, edited by Anthony Rausch  pp.217-239 (Single) 
5. 2013/02 Article Fusing Nationalisms in Postwar Japan: The Battleship Yamato and Popular Culture electronic journal of contemporary japanese studies 12(3) (Single)  Link
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■ Academic or professional association memberships
1. 2004/10 Japan Society for Journalism and Mass Communication Studies
2. 2003/04 Association for Asian Studies
3. 2011/11 International Communication Association
4. 2010/05 International Studies Association
■ Conference presentations
1. 2023/12/03 (Asia Pacific Conference 2023)
2. 2022/12/03 Supporters for Nuclear Abolition or Deterrence?: What the Japanese Conservative Newspapers Discussed on Atomic-Bomb Day (Asia Pacific Conference 2022)
3. 2022/03/27 How Differently Yomiuri and Sankei Shinbun view the Sino-Japanese and Asia Pacific Wars: A Study of the Pacifism and the Commemoration of War Dead Embraced by Conservative Newspapers in Japan (Association for Asian Studies 2022 Annual Conference)
4. 2021/12/05 Value-oriented Diplomacy and Major Newspapers in Japan: Divided Conservatives and a Frustrated Liberal (Asia Pacific Conference 2021)
5. 2020/11/15 Why and How a Conservative Newspaper in Japan Embraces Democracy: A Study of Editorials of Sankei from 1950s to 2000s (18th Asia Pacific Conference)
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■ Research topic, funded research and KAKENHI
1. 2016  Conservative Major Newspapers and the Constitution of Japan  (Key Word : )
2. 2016  Comparative studies of major newspaper's editorials and news articles in Japan and South Korea regarding the project of Korean residents' exodus to North Korea  (Key Word : Japan, Republic of Korea, South Korea, major newspapers, North Korea)
3. 2012  Community Media and Great East Japan Earthquake & Tsunami  (Key Word : Journalism, Natural Disaster)
4. 2004  Media and Politics in Japan  (Key Word : Media,Politics,Japan)
5. 2004  National Newspapers and Nationalism in Japan  (Key Word : National Newspapers, Nationalism,Japan)