    (Last updated : 2023-07-21 20:27:30)
  CHEN Shu-Ching
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of International Management
   Position   Professor
■ Education
1. , Doctor of Philosophy (Marketing), University of Adelaide, Australia
2. , Master of Science (Marketing), University of Stirling, U.K.
■ Message
Message to undergraduate students: Enjoy every moment at APU and create your personal value from it. You can then confidently head out to the world and towards what you are interested in. Message to graduate school students: Impossible is nothing. But be sure you are well equipped.
■ Current specialized field
Marketing and Management (Key Word:Customer loyalty; E-loyalty; Customer value; Market orientation; Pricing; Services; Online community; Branding; Hospitality) 
■ Books and theses
1. 2023 Article Managing conflicts to improve the retail networks in China: replication research with extensions Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 35(3),pp.493-510 (Single)  Link
2. 2022 Article University Branding: Student Experience, Value Perception, and Consumption Journey Journal of Marketing for Higher Education  (Single)  Link
3. 2021 Article Effects of Concealing vs. Displaying Prices on Consumer Perceptions of Hospitality Products International Journal of Hospitality Management (92) (Collaboration)  Link
4. 2020 Book Customer Experience of Value: Some Insights into the Satisfaction–Loyalty Link and Customer Loyalty Retention, In: Marketing Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Global Marketplace, (Eds.) Wu S., Pantoja F. and Krey N.   (Single) 
5. 2018 Article Customer Experience, Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty: Implications in Hospitality Proceedings of Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference  (Single) 
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■ Academic or professional association memberships
1. American Marketing Association (AMA)
2. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)
3. SERVSIG, American Marketing Association
4. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC)
5. European Marketing Academy (EMAC)
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■ Conference presentations
1. 2023 Consumer Experience of Value in Consumption Journey: Evidence and Implications for Branding (AMA Winter Academic Conference, American Marketing Association (AMA))
2. 2022 Conflict Management Decision and Channel Member Performance (Annual Conference, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy)
3. 2019 Customer Experience of Value: Some Insights into the Satisfaction-Loyalty Link and Customer Loyalty Retention (Academy of Marketing Science)
4. 2018 Customer Experience, Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty: Implications in Hospitality (Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference)
5. 2018 Consumer Experience, Customer Value, and Branding (Excellence in Services International Conference)
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■ E-Mail address