    (Last updated : 2024-11-25 17:17:34)
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Education Development and Learning Support Center
   Position   Professor
■ Education
1. 〔Doctorial Course (2nd Semester)〕 Instructional Systems, Kumamoto University, Completed, Doctor of Philosophy
2. 1997~1999 〔Master Course〕, Master of Arts in English as a Second Language, The University of Arizona, Completed
3. Faculty of Foreign Language, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Graduated
■ Academic and professional experience
1. 2023/04~ Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Education Development Learning Support Center Professor
2. 2001/04~2004/03 Kanda University of International Studies Lecturer
■ Message
Your potential is beyond your imagination. Seek out big challenges and difficulties, and learn from them to find your strength and passion!
■ Current specialized field
Instructional systems/Instructional Design, International education, Foreign language education 
■ Books and theses
1. 2024/10/31 Article The Growth of Student Assistants (SA) Who Are in Charge of Multicultural Collaborative Learning Classes: SAs’ Perceived Development of Competencies and Its Contributing Factors Based on a University’s Competence List The Japan Association for Developmental Education 19(1),pp.71-82 (Collaboration) 
2. 2023/10 Article Visualization of Learning in a Project-Based Large-Scale Overseas Program: Focus on a Keyword “Makaseru (Dependence on Others)” on Group Interactions Journal of Intercultural Communication pp.63-85 (Collaboration) 
3. 2022 Article Creating a Multicultural Collaborative Learning Experience Through Hybrid (HyFlex) Classes: The Case of a Freshman Course at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University The Japan Association for Developmental Education 16,pp.103-114 (Collaboration)  Link
4. 2022 Article Evaluation of Pre-Departure Training for Study Abroad by Adapting Kirkpatrick’s Model International Journal for Educational Media and Technology 16(1),pp.27-37 (Collaboration) 
5. 2021/08 Article Evaluating Impact of Pre-Departure Training on Study Abroad
Outcomes by Adapting Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Framework International Conference for Media in Education 2021 pp.287-297 (Collaboration) 
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■ Academic or professional association memberships
1. 2018/06 Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
2. 2014/04 Japan Association for Developmental Education
3. 2014/04 Liberal and General Education Society of Japan
4. 2013/10 Japan Society for Educational Technology
5. 2013/09~2015/03 Japan Association for International Student Education
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■ Conference presentations
1. 2021/08/20 Evaluating Impact of Pre-Departure Training on Study Abroad Outcomes by Adapting Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Framework (International Conference for Media in Education 2021)
2. 2020/11/15 Improving learner motivation in pre-departure training materials for study abroad (18th Asia Pacific Conference)
3. 2020/08/18 ePortfolios for study abroad assessment and improvement: Monitoring students' use of a target skill while abroad (International Conference for Media in Education 2020)
4. 2019/11/30 Design and assessment of education abroad: Application of a training evaluation model to enhance the impact of a preparation course (17th Asia Pacific Conference)
5. 2018/09/05 Operation of E-portfolio and its assessment in a study abroad program (43rd Annual conference of Japanese society for information and systems in education)
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■ Works
1. 2021/03/16 Multicultural active learning using online tools Link
2. 2017/03/28 Future of English education in Japan Link
3. 2016/09/21 海外プログラムにおける学びの質保証-留学ポートフォリオとアセスメント Link
4. 2015/10/28 Assessing Global Learning: Measurement, Implications, and Applications Link
5. 2015/07/08 Study abroad portfolios (Waseda University) Link
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■ Research topic, funded research and KAKENHI
1. 2020/04  Center for Inclusive Leadership: Fostering the inclusive leadership of students and teaching assistants through multicultural groupwork  (Key Word : )
2. 2003  Good Practice MEXT  (Key Word : )
■ Qualification and licenses
1. 2018/03/16 Aalborg Centre for PBL (Problem Based and Project Organised Learning) in Engineering Science and Sustainability, Aalborg University under the auspices of UNESCO
2. 2015/06 IDI (Intercultural Development Inventory) Qualified Administrator
3. 2001/03 Establishing a Self-Access Centre
■ Educational ability
● Evaluation such as universities concerning teacher's concerned educational ability
1. 2019 Faculty assessment Teaching Awards
2. 2017 Faculty assessment Teaching Awards