    (Last updated : 2024-07-25 13:07:49)
  YAMAURA Koichi
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of Asia Pacific Studies
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Education
1. 2008/08~2012/08 〔Doctorial Course〕, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University, Completed, Ph.D. Economics
2. 2006/08~2008/05 〔Master Course〕, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University, Completed, M.S.
■ Academic and professional experience
1. 2013/12~2019/03 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Assistant Professor
2. 2012/07~2013/11 Sophia University Postdoctoral Fellow
3. 2006/08~2012/05 Kansas State University Research Assistant
■ Message
Message to undergraduate students: You can find certain things only when you are a college student and you are in APU. Enjoy student life.

Message to graduate school students: Welcome to academia. With passion, work hard!
■ Current research
My research is an econometric approach to analyze consumer choice shifts under government policies.
For example, I am studying the impact of changes in consumers' awareness of food products and their place of origin after the Great East Japan Earthquake and the accuracy of such information based on consumer and market surveys. In addition, I am researching the analysis of residents' awareness regarding the installation of solar power in their homes in the pursuit of a carbon-neutral society. Consumer survey research has been conducted in Japan, the U.S., Taiwan, and other countries, and collaborative research has been conducted with researchers in Japan, the U.S., Taiwan, and Indonesia.

In graduate school, I have conducted theoretical and empirical analyses of market power in price dominance in grain trade when vertically differentiated products are included. In addition, I conducted a food supply vulnerability analysis study for UNFAO Ghana and a futures price analysis study for the Kansas Soybean Association and Corn Association.
As a post-doctoral fellow, I participated in the Ministry of the Environment's S10 program and learned a lot from professors at the National Institute for Environmental Studies, the Energy Research Institute, the University of Tokyo, and Sophia University. Here, I have conducted simulation analysis of global environmental changes by the end of the 21st century and the indirect socioeconomic impact effects of global warming.
At TUAT, I conducted consumer choice analysis using surveys, socioeconomic impact assessment of global warming, and market power analysis in trade involving vertically differentiated products.
■ Current specialized field
Agricultural and food economics, Environmental policy and social systems (Key Word:Consumer Choice, Sustainable Energy)  Link
■ Books and theses
1. 2024/05/25 Article Public Perception of Carbon Dioxide Removal in Three Asian Regions Sustainability Science pp.1-16 (Collaboration)  Link
2. 2024/05/15 Article Public perceptions on net zero energy houses in Japan Sustainability Science pp.1-12 (Collaboration)  Link
3. 2021/03 Article Analysis of Indirect Socioeconomic Impacts on East Asia by Recovering Fukushima Forest Watershed Quality Japanese Journal of Agricultural Ecnomics 23,pp.131-136 (Collaboration)  Link
4. 2021/03 Article New farmers' incentives under the new tangerine farming support: the case of Tuban, Indonesia International Journal of Fruit Science 21,pp.392-399 (Collaboration)  Link
5. 2020/07 Article Transcriptome Analysis of White-Rot Fungi in Response to Lignocellulose or Lignocellulose-Derived Material Using RNA Sequencing Technology Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology 11(8),pp.355-368 (Collaboration)  Link
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■ Academic or professional association memberships
1. 2015/01 Western Economics Association International
2. 2012/07 Environmental Economics and Policy Society
3. 2011/01 Agricultural Economics Society of Japan
4. 2011/01 Japan Economic Association
5. 2008/01 Agriculture and Applied Economics Association
■ Conference presentations
1. 2023/03 Impact of restrained buying behavior by intelligence awareness in the food system (The 11th ASAE International Conference)
2. 2022/12 Consumer Choice by Different Sources of Information (The 20th Asia Pacific Conference)
3. 2021/12 Public Perceptions and Willingness-To-Pay for Zero Energy Houses in Japan and Taiwan (The 19th Asia Pacific Conference)
4. 2021/03 Computable General Equilibrium Analyses of Global Economic Impacts and Agriculture: the Case of COVID-19 (日本農業経済学会大会)
5. 2020/11 Japanese consumer preferences and ambiguity information (the 18th Asia Pacific Conference)
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■ Research topic, funded research and KAKENHI
1. 2024/03~2024/09  Clarifying Differences in Consumer Restrained Buying Behavior by Information in Pacific Island Countries -Taipei and Taichung, Taiwan  (Key Word : )
2. 2020/04~2025/03  Analyzing the impact of restrained buying behavior caused by discrepancies existing in information sources and messengers on food systems  (Key Word : Restrained buying behavior, information sources, information messengers, food system, restrained buying index)
3. 2018/04~2021/03  Japan-Taiwan Joint Research Project for Young Researchers, "City and Environmental Energy"  (Key Word : )
4. 2017/09~2018/08  Analysis of indirect impacts on regional economy and recovering water quality in Fukushima forest watersheds after the Fukushima disaster  (Key Word : Fukushima, Forest watershed, Water quality, Socioeconomic impact)
5. 2012~2017  Strategic R&D Area Project of the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund  (Key Word : )
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■ Awards and honors
1. 2018/05 Poster Award, Agricultural Economics Society of Japan 2018 Annual Meeting
2. 2007/11 Gamma Sigma Delta: the Honor Society of Agriculture
■ Committee and society
1. 2023/03 The 11th Asian Society of Agricultural Economists International Conference Award Committee Link
■ Homepage
■ External Researcher ID