    (Last updated : 2024-12-05 11:05:26)
  OZAWA Tomoyuki
   Department   Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of International Management
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Education
1. 2015/04~2018/03 〔Doctorial Course〕, Graduate School, Division of Administration, Takachiho University, Completed, Doctor of Business Administration
2. 2011/11~2012/12 〔Master Course〕, International Executive MBA, IE Business School, Completed, International Executive MBA
3. 1992/04~1996/03 Economics, Faculty of Political Economics, Waseda University, Graduated, B.A. in Economics
■ Academic and professional experience
1. 2013/08~2017/12 HR-tech start-up (2013/8-12)CFO, (2014/1-)Board Director CFO
2. 2007/05~ CPA Tomoyuki Ozawa International Accounting Representative
3. 2007/01~2007/08 Akasaka International Accounting Manager
4. 2003/10~2006/12 PricewaterhouseCoopers Japan(Audit and Assurance)
5. 2000/06~2001/06 Fujitsu Limited
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■ Message
Study for Your Own Comfortable Life
■ Current research
Accounting, Disclosure, Entrepreneurship, Sanpo-yoshi, Inclusiveness, B Corp
■ Current specialized field
Accounting (Key Word:Accounting, Disclosure, Sanpo-yoshi, Inclusiveness, B Corp) 
■ Books and theses
1. 2024/02/20 Article Sanpo-yoshi, top management personal values, and ESG performance Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (Top 5% journal in Scopus, ABDC:A, SSCI) 41 (Collaboration)  Link
2. 2023/07/31 Other 大学教育・研究における公認会計士の役割 アカウントピア pp.15-16 (Single) 
3. 2023/02/28 Article The possible application to Japanese mobile apps of success factors of Gojek, an Indonesian ride-sharing company Journal of the Kansai Association for Venture and Entrepreneur Studies (J-Stage) 15,pp.23-34 (Collaboration)  Link
4. 2022/09/15 Article Significance and challenges of B Corp certification in Japan: A hypothetical model of the B Corp certification process by qualitative research Venture Review(J-Stage) 40,pp.97-111 (Collaboration)  Link
5. 2021/03/31 Article A study on accounting procedures of goodwill and proposals about business administration with case studies in Japanese pharmaceutical industry Journal of Industrial Management Research 35(1),pp.15-32 (Single) 
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■ Academic or professional association memberships
1. 2021/07~2024/08 The Japan Academic Society for Ventures and Entrepreneurs
2. 2021/03~ Kansai Association for Venture and Entrepreneur Studies
3. 2016/06~2021/02 Japan Tax Jurisprudence Association
4. 2016/03~ Japan Academy of Business Administration
5. 2015/11~ Association for the Study of Industrial Management (Japan)
■ Conference presentations
1. 2024/06/02 Suncrea fostering sustainability and inclusion in the Japanese hospitality industry: A journey toward the heart of Ametsuchi (CIL Conference 2024 at Ritsumeikan University) Link
2. 2024/06/02 Sanpo-yoshi, top management personal values, and ESG performance (CIL Conference 2024 at Ritsumeikan University) Link
3. 2024/06/01 Case B: Fingertalk breaking the silence and empowering the special needs (CIL Conference 2024 at Ritsumeikan University) Link
4. 2023/12/02 Fingertalk breaking the silence and empowering the special needs (Asia Pacific Conference 2023) Link
5. 2023/06/26 Sanpo-yoshi, top management personal values and ESG performance (Asian Finance Association Annual Conference 2023 at University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City) Link
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■ Works
1. 2024/11/25 Accounting Professional's Career (Special guest lecturer)
2. 2023/11/27 Accounting Professional's Career (Special guest lecturer)
3. 2023/07/30 JICPA Social Contribution and Accounting Education Activities "Hello! Accounting" Link
4. 2016/11/22 Business Career Theory: Lecture of life to be competent
5. 2015/12/15 Business Career Theory: How to make an interesting career and life to be competent
■ Research topic, funded research and KAKENHI
1. 2024/04~  Top Managment Influenced by Sanpo-yoshi and Environmental Accounting  (Key Word : )
2. 2023/06~2024/03  Center of Inclusive Leadership: SUN-CREA Drastic change of own concept to make inclusive community environment in the VUCA age  (Key Word : )
■ Awards and honors
1. 2024/07 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University SOM Research Award for AY 2023
2. 2024/03 Center for Inclusive Leadership, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University AY2023 CIL Inclusive Leadership Research Award Grant
■ Qualification and licenses
1. 2007/05/23 Certified Public Accountant in Japan
2. 2002/11/17 The Official Business Skills Test in Bookkeeping, 1st grade
■ Educational ability
● Practice example of education method
1. 2023/05/25 Invitation Alumni as a Guest Speaker to the Class
2. 2022/06/29 Invitation Alumni as a Guest Speaker to the Class
3. 2021/06/30 Invitation Senior Students as Guest Speakers to the Class
4. 2020/07/22 Invitation Senior Students as Guest Speakers to the Class
5. 2019/06/26 Invitation Senior Students as Guest Speakers to the Class
● Made textbook and teaching material
● Evaluation such as universities concerning teacher's concerned educational ability
● Special note of person who has experience of business
● Matter that should be mentioned specially in others educational activity
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■ Professional contribution to Society
1. 2023/07 JICPA Social Contribution and Accounting Education Activities "Hello! Accounting" Lecturer Link
2. 2023/07 Social Outreach Seminars: Intrapreneurship
■ Committee and society
1. 2024/06/12~ (In university) Fall 2024 Entrance Ceremony Planning Committee Member
2. 2024/04/18 (In university) Ritsumeikan Trust Councilor Election to Fill a Vacancy Election Observer
3. 2024/01/12~2024/03/31 大分市大分エコライフプラザ企画運営業務委託予定者選定等委員会 Vice-chairman
4. 2023/11/10~2024/01/12 2023 Nikkei Integrated Report Award Judging Committee 1st Round Judge
5. 2023/08/01~ 大分市行政評価・行政改革推進委員会 Member
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